Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Just a Smile

Last week at work one of my coworkers asked me, 'Do you always smile?'. I was caught off guard but I quickly answered with, 'When I can, I do.'. Then the next question, 'Why?'. So later that day my coworker and I had a 15 minute break at the same time and I answered her question...

6 years ago I was faced with hearing words that no parent would want to hear. I was put on a Momma Journey that no Momma should have to endure. I watched my 8 month old princess receive chemotherapy, radiation and many surgeries. I witnessed many sad faces, angry faces and stunned faces on the 7th floor/pediatric oncology of the old children's hospital. I slept on hospital floors and rocked babies to sleep that did not have and family visit them. I witnessed many Momma's having to say goodbye to their child. I witnessed my princess go through so many aggressive treatments. I watched my son have to endure his baby sisters pain.

Why do I smile? Because I can. I work at Macy's in the mall. I smile at every customer bc 6 years ago I would go to the mall to escape my nightmare, my journey. I would walk the mall and just take it all in. Now I look at people's faces and wonder what if they are in the midst of their storm, their nightmare. What if my smile can lighten their heart and their worries? Just a smile! I then think about how blessed my life is, how amazing is our GOD we serve. Do I always want to smile...No. But I feel I have a responsibility to more than just my family. Some people look at me like I have a 3rd eye when I greet them with, 'Hello, how are you?' And a smile. That reaction from a customer is the exact reason I will never stop smiling. I think about all the smiles that I was greeted with in the last 6 years and I am thankful. Those smiles softened my angry and sad heart.

Do you smile enough? Be aware of your expressions and I know you will bless others with Just a smile.

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